
Showing posts from April, 2017

How practice make things perfect in just 3 simple steps?

In this blog I will make you play a game with me to show real power of practice. "How Practice makes things perfect in just 3 steps?" Just take a pen with couple of blank papers and a stopwatch and follow simple steps..!! Step 1: Set your stop watch for one minute and write squares on the blank paper and just after 1 minute write  the no of squares you made on the top of that page and put it aside. Step 2: Again repeat the step 1 and count no of squares you have made and here the magic begins the count has increased now from previous one. Step 3: Again repeat step step 2 and now the count will be at least 50% more than the count you got in step 1. This is the real power of practice that in just 3 successive trails you got a improvement of 50-60% and after completing each step you got ideas of improvement for next step like in case the more you decrease the size of square the count will be increased automatically. So the conclusion is that ...

How to Crack any Government exam in 6 months?

Do you want to  crack any govt exam? First of all if you are preparing for any govt exam then you need to know the importance of test series as compared to long term courses for any particular exam. Secondly why I am writing this blog  because I was running a coaching institute in 2016 and I have experienced many students who are hard working and also good in academics but they are not able to crack any govt exam. Reason behind  this is to be an intelligent and hard working is not sufficient for cracking any govt exam, this is an era of smart working so we need to figure out where we are actually lagging and need to work on our weak points. But the question is that how we can determine where we are lagging and why we are not selecting in any govt exam? Daily practice of test series is the best way to figure out weak points and deep analysis of all the unanswered/wrong/doubtful questions will give you idea about where you are lagging and you should work on t...

Biggest Corporate Lessons you should learn

There are various points which I have experienced in corporate world:- Always try to do things that other people are not interested and try to showcase to leads. Never say no attitude will save you in your tough time in your company as that time your colleagues and leads will help you as you did the same previously. Never provide KT to any other employee or colleagues like a stupid cat as this can finish your dependency. Always took part in discussions around as this can maintain your presence ( JO DIKHTA HAI WO BIKTA HAI). Never plan leaves when all your colleagues are planning as this is the time you can become a start in front of your leads/managers. In Indian corporate world if you are working after office hours even if you are not doing any productive work you are still a very good resource…It's a reality…!!! If you are a fresher then try to make a mentor in between your leads and gain as much as knowledge you can. To being honest in your team if yo...

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