How to Make a simple Website in 10 easy steps?

In this blog I will explain you how to make a website in easy steps..!!

Open a notepad  or any text editor on your computer.

Save your webpage with a .html extension by giving any name you want like "MyFirstPage.html".

Step3: Tell your browser that this is a HTML Page by adding <html> tag in it.

Add a title to your webpage which appears on top of your your browser window.
Always add <title> tag in head section which consists of meta information for your website.

Now its time to add some visible content for your webpage.

Add <body> tag and start adding content within it.

Step6: Add heading in your webpage by using <h1> tag.You can use any tag from <h1> to <h6>.

Now we will add some text content to your webpage.
Here we use <p> tag which is used to add text content to a webpage.

Add some image into your webpage with the help of <img> tag.

Search any image you want on Google just right click on it and click on "Save ImageAs"             button choose the same location where your HTML file resides in your system.

Now its time to add some CSS or styling to your First Webpage.

Here we will add some background color to your webpage by using <style> tag in head section.

Add a <style> tag in the <head> section.

Choose any background color you want and link it with your <body> element and you will  get your colorful website.

Hey you have done a great job!! 

Now just open your HTML file in your browser window.
Just double click on your HTML file and you will get a preview of your webpage.

In just 10 simple steps you will get to know the basic introduction of website building with HTML!!

For more details please check my HTML Tutorial.

If you have any queries post it in below comment section..!!

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